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Op Ed
On Sept. 21, the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) announced that it would actively oppose the merit retention of all three Florida Supreme Court...
The FALA does not agree that additional layers of regulation and government oversight of these private enterprises are warranted.
All of Franklin County depends on the oyster industry to survive. It is an industry with a multimillion-dollar local economic impact.
A few days ago, I visited Arlington National Cemetery. As I walked for several hours among the many, many columns of our patriots, I wondered what...
Should we be surprised that the Florida Board of Education is having trouble attracting a qualified candidate to serve as commissioner of...
Treatment is effective, and people do recover.
Closure is a viable option if stakeholders are concerned about the welfare of current students and operational efficiency. Morris Brown is not a...
Amendment 6, which bolsters the rights of parents to be involved in medical decisions affecting their minor children, should be supported by all...
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