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Florida Politics

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Op Ed
We are here to tell Tallahassee that we’ve had enough. Other priorities pale in comparison.
If you haven’t noticed the decline in water quantity and quality in the state, then you probably just haven’t lived here long enough. The recent...
The reason for this is a Department of Revenue rule known as the “recapture rule” that...
The chances for most of us to meet a North Korean in our lifetimes are pretty slim. But this experience gave me an opportunity to build bridges...
Life does sometimes give you lemons, and sometimes you need a friend or neighbor to help you turn it into lemonade!
We are at a crucial crossroads in public education and the time to speak up has come.
Letter To The Editor
It is time for us to unite behind Gov. Scott and help him make Florida the best state in the nation.
Yesterday started like any other day, until I went to the courthouse to renew my driver’s license.
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