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Letter To The Editor
Mitt Romney must point out the promises that Barack Obama made and has failed to keep.
Voters should not be fooled. Despite the deceptive title (Florida Religious Freedom Amendment) Amendment 8 is not about freedom.
Only food can be bought — not toilet tissue, soap, alcohol or cigarettes – on a food assistance card. The government uses one card for both. To...
Only food can be bought — not toilet tissue, soap, alcohol or cigarettes – on a food assistance card. The government uses one card for both. To...
Only food can be bought — not toilet tissue, soap, alcohol or cigarettes – on a food assistance card. The government uses one card for both. To...
Op Ed
Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida provides programs that teach young people about economics and free enterprise, personal finance and job...
The Republican Party of Florida took the unprecedented step of voting to oppose the retention of these three justices.
I suggest that the statistical methodology used to grade districts and schools is not valid.
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