Dear Readers: News organizations often charge for access to archived stories, so it’s likely that many links shown here will expire over time. We consider it a service to make you aware of these archived opinion pieces. And if you want to read more, we encourage you to do business with our newspaper customers.

Governor Scott
We get it: Gov. Rick Scott and state legislative leaders hate “Obamacare.”

We get it: Gov. Rick Scott and state legislative leaders hate “Obamacare.”

Is it really necessary to amend the state Constitution in order to "send a message" that Florida doesn't like Obamacare?

The left threw in the towel. They knew their team lost, and lost big.

Voters can have their say on this by voting no on Amendment 5 and voting yes to retain Supreme Court justices Lewis, Pariente and Quince.

Who would have thought that two disparate instances of imprudence back in 2003 would have such relevance in the Florida election of 2012?

Florida Legislature
Is it really necessary to amend the state Constitution in order to "send a message" that Florida doesn't like Obamacare?

President Obama
The left threw in the towel. They knew their team lost, and lost big.

Voters can have their say on this by voting no on Amendment 5 and voting yes to retain Supreme Court justices Lewis, Pariente and Quince.

Amendment 5 is a power play by Legislature, Amendment 12 not needed.

A raft of Florida International University links to China is riding high on a wave of US academic forays in Asia that enhance prestige.

Higher Education
A raft of Florida International University links to China is riding high on a wave of US academic forays in Asia that enhance prestige.

Local Government
It’s the naked truth about Boynton Beach politics.

Florida Politics
It’s the naked truth about Boynton Beach politics.

Who would have thought that two disparate instances of imprudence back in 2003 would have such relevance in the Florida election of 2012?

Health Care
The state needs to give the database a stable source of money.

State Government
The state needs to give the database a stable source of money.

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