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Letter To The Editor
What these business executives do in the polling booth is a private matter but to proclaim these allegiances in the public forum could mean...
We political independents use common sense to evaluate politicians with an open mind. We seek the best person for our country, state or county. If...
Regarding Sunday’s editorial against the tax amendments to the Florida Constitution, proposed Amendments 4, 9 and 11, which would provide breaks...
After decades of efficient, fraud-free, nonpartisan leadership by Bob Sweat in the Supervisor of Elections Office, we are now faced with the...
A person's character is always important. Character is not like a light switch. It starts building when you are young and becomes more...
Mitt Romney's comments about government freeloaders were ignorant and ridiculous. If he truly believes 47 percent of us are automatically...
Op Ed
America was founded under the principle that citizens must never be coerced through taxation to support religious institutions. In 1779, the...
This November, Floridians will vote on whether to retain three Florida Supreme Court Justices and fifteen District Court of Appeal judges. They...
Before any Floridian's voice can be heard, he or she must register to vote. And to have a voice in the November election, Floridians must be...
This year, 41 states introduced more than 180 bills to limit early voting, require specific ID at the polls or throw new obstacles at those who...
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