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Op Ed
In May, the Democrat published our My View (“Courts let citizens take on nuclear power giants”) that the state Supreme Court is the only venue...
A misguided state law that...
Amid Public Service Commission hearings that continue this week on nuclear cost recovery, it is important to pause and reflect on this component...
For the next decade, a diversified mix of energy sources will remain strategically important.
In the Sunshine State, where we lag behind most other states in renewable energy industry job creation, we still do not have a Renewable Energy...
Ah, summertime and with it arrives the stark reality that we now live within altered regional and national climate patterns.
I chose to fight for my country because I felt a sense of duty to protect the freedoms and liberties that make our nation great.
Letter To The Editor
The largest producer of wind energy in America is based here in Florida. Yes, that’s right. Nextera Energy based in Juno Beach produces enough...
If the powers that be would...
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