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Letter To The Editor
You have to get out of shouting range of the politicians in Washington to appreciate what's really important to Americans.
Friend was murdered because of a small inconvenience caused by growing larger to perform the tasks God had given it more efficiently.
Let us...
A key component of the original vision was limited interruption and separation from auto ways for bicyclists. The path through Haile introduces a...
Please consider making history and leaving a permanent legacy from this County Commission by creating the Bay County Permanent Fund.
Op Ed
At one time, Florida Forever stood as the largest program of its kind in the country.
All of Franklin County depends on the oyster industry to survive. It is an industry with a multimillion-dollar local economic impact.
If you want to "Save Lake Okeechobee," "Save the Coastal Estuaries" and "Save the Everglades," then join us in restoring the River of Grass...
The water temperatures in Florida and other states are rising, and this is caused by global warming.
While these permit applications and the continued mindset of the water management districts to find “more” water are disconcerting, there is one...
he primary election just finished. In many races, where only one party put up a candidate or candidates, the election is over. However, it has...
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