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Op Ed
Both the Minnesota Twins and Boston Red Sox have very large fan bases, and Lee County made a substantial investment to bring — and keep — these...
Last week I spent almost four hours gathering personal information to properly fill out my financial disclosure form. I'm happy to do this...
It's a cop's job to protect law-abiding citizens. Thus, there may be occasions when profiling is warranted.
Sometimes as I decide what kind of papers to assign to my students, I worry about essay mills, companies whose sole purpose is to generate essays...
It is time for President Obama to reach out to somebody with the credibility and independence of a Fitzgerald or a Freeh and get to the bottom of...
Letter To The Editor
There is really no way...
In the commissioner-at-large race, District 7, candidate Betsy Benac recently said, "I will do nothing to harm Manatee County." However...
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