Key Topic:
Higher Education
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The eight members of the Florida State College at Jacksonville’s board who made President Steve Wallace a millionaire as he goes out the door.

Things run amok at Florida State College and the board of trustees rewards the college’s president, Steve Wallace, with a $1.2 million parting gift.

The Northwest Florida State College's computer system suffered a massive security breach, exposing the personal data of students and employees.

The process of financially connecting interests and performance raises ethical questions that distract from the spirit of the real games being played.

Florida State University will hold their annual Parents’ Weekend this upcoming Friday and Saturday, Oct. 12 and 13.

Voters should reject Amendment 3. An arbitrary cap on revenue collections that robs the state of the ability to collect funds for Florida's issues.

Amendment 12 would unnecessarily alter the selection process for the student member to the board, and voters should reject it.

FSCJ is in disarray in the wake of the resignation that followed months of revelations about mismanagement and weak oversight by a nine-member board.

The University of Florida's successful campaign shows that it, like most of Florida's institutions of higher learning, continues to exceed expectation

The establishment of the Patel College of Global Sustainability at the University of South Florida gives an boost to the university's prestige.

With both presidential candidates directly addressing college students in their campaigns, it’s important that Florida A&M students pay attention.

Manufacturers, one of the key components in the diversification of our economy, are dealing with a skills gap in the workforce.

A raft of Florida International University links to China is riding high on a wave of US academic forays in Asia that enhance prestige.

We all support UF, but we also support the access to free speech.

Happy anniversary, Florida A&M University. This community salutes you. Today, the university celebrates the 125th anniversary of its founding.

What's worrisome is that Gov. Rick Scott and the Florida Legislature may seize on UF's success as an excuse to cut even deeper into state funding.

Despite how many times we’re called a “liberal, pinko, commie rag,” we’d like to endorse the Students Party.

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Op Ed
Closure is a viable option if stakeholders are concerned about the welfare of current students and operational efficiency. Morris Brown is not a...
Tallahassee Democrat
The Rattler family needed this game and all of the positives that came with it.
Tallahassee Democrat
So why have faculty scheduled...
Naples Daily News
Letter To The Editor
Bradenton Herald
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