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Op Ed
Over the next year, about 3,500 owners of high-value homes in Florida will be searching for a new homeowners insurance company as Citizens...
On Thursday, May 17, Realtors from across the country gathered on the lawn of the Washington Monument to tell members of Congress that “Home...
Stopping evictions will prevent domino effect of declining home values, equity, and help economy rebound.
In declaring May as National Building Safety Month, President Obama has provided some much-needed momentum to bipartisan legislation pending in...
Homeowners faced with the loss of their home need to take positive steps to avoid severe income tax liability due to the looming expiration of the...
The law is clear; the fact that few veterans are eligible for it is not relevant. The implication that it was designed "only" for lower-income...
Florida Statute 720 should require developers and associations to issue to potential buyers estimates of long-term maintenance assessments and...
Letter To The Editor
I was offended by your report on real estate flips. The tone of the article was that flipping is, at the very least, an unsavory activity. There...
Giving a boost to Florida's housing market by creating an additional homestead exemption for first-time home buyers could not come at a better...
He has done nothing underhanded or illegal, but rather has taken advantage of the tax break the citizens voted to give disabled veterans. You...