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Op Ed
Instead of restricting the votes of...
The federal government's exclusive authority in the enforcement of immigration laws has always existed. President
...How unfortunate that this victory for law and order, states' rights and legal immigrants who play by the rules was not appreciated by the...
For the sake of our economy here in Florida and nationwide, we must forge a new consensus on immigrants and America.
...For the sake of our economy here in Florida and nationwide, we must forge a new consensus on immigrants and America. This will require Republicans...
The Obama administration has announced the halting of deportations of younger undocumented immigrants and allowing some to be granted work permits...
Americans who thought that the Constitution is the nation's highest law got a rude awakening last week.
Letter To The Editor
Why did The News-Press support President Obama’s continued disregard of the U.S. Constitution in its editorial, “Immigration order a good first...
A year ago he said he had no authority to overturn immigration law on...
Undocumented workers are getting bigger tax refunds than you are!
Channel 13 in Indianapolis recently reported a whistleblowing tax...
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