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Letter To The Editor
On Sept. 10, Florida’s chief inspector general reported that executives of Citizens Property Insurance have “routinely spent beyond the state’s...
Well, I see the Citizens...
Op Ed
Citizens Property Insurance takes its fiscal responsibilities to our policyholders and all Floridians very seriously. We are especially sensitive...
This plan is a gamble that no Floridian can afford to take. Citizens’ board is tone deaf to the public’s best interests.
Many Floridians know what to do when a hurricane threatens and have developed a plan.
This guide, prepared by the Florida Association of...
Some editorials say the Board of...
Lest we forget, today's premiums are...
It's hard to believe, but it's been 20 years since Hurricane Andrew made landfall in Florida. After Andrew, residents rebuilt their homes, the...
Twenty years ago today, Hurricane Andrew — at the time, the costliest storm in U.S. history — made landfall near Homestead.
Florida has not had a hurricane in six years. No hurricanes mean no property losses from 'wind damage' and thus no claims that require payments to...
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