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Op Ed
The media reported that Gov. Rick Scott is now concerned about the state school system. The federal analysis, concluding that the Florida...
In response to the Bradenton Herald's Oct. 6 editorial entitled "United effort needed to fill skills gap, lift economy," I wanted...
Bullying has always been present in our schools, and social media and You Tube have made it worse. Cyberbullying is the newest form of bullying....
Junior Achievement of Southwest Florida provides programs that teach young people about economics and free enterprise, personal finance and job...
Gov. Rick Scott and his advisers really need to get out more. If...
Should we be surprised that the Florida Board of Education is having trouble attracting a qualified candidate to serve as commissioner of...
If anything, the Florida case shows the importance of investing in a comprehensive approach. States should consider research-based strategies such...
The conditions Bill Maxwell describes facing teachers are very real — so real he can no longer advise students to enter the teaching profession....
Letter To The Editor
It is amazing to me to have "administrators' " cite an increase in the number of students taking the exam as a possible reason for...
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