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Letter To The Editor
Duval County’s consolidated government dates back 40 years.
Established as a model for efficiency across 840 square miles of Northeast...
Citizens of Archer, I am asking that you step up and take charge of your town, attend city meetings that are held the 2nd and 4th Monday of each...
We had our chance not to re-elect Mr. Meek and Mr. Damato at the primary, but the voters failed. Now we are stuck with them and their foolish...
There is no reason that the closure of Shannon Ridge could not have been accomplished in a manner that gave the owners and tenants full knowledge...
The Department of Environmental Protection is embracing a town proposal to build a 3,500-foot pipe extension to bring sand from the south jetty at...
The Times-Union reported on two of the three Beaches communities joining Jacksonville in not raising the millage rate.
Given declining house...
Instead, we needed an immediate and huge investment in education and training so the next generation of Americans worked with their heads rather...
One sure way to save Lee County $15,000 for a public relations firm to fix a deceitful mess created by Lee County Manager Karen Hawes is simply to...
Op Ed
Our study compared the town’s police and fire performance to other municipalities as Palm Beach underwent manpower reductions and pension reform....
As we close out fiscal year 2012, St. Johns County has had another excellent year in providing the services expected by the citizens of the county...
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