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Letter To The Editor
Amateurish, incompetent and...
Let’s get our own backyard in order before we try to change the rest of the world.
Op Ed
It's sobering to read the chapters on Iraq in Colin Powell's new book, to ponder the waste of soldiers' lives that resulted from...
Trying to democratize that tribal nation is a foolish goal. We ought to bring all our troops home now.
There is little wonder why the Palestinians refuse to return to peace talks with the Israelis, as long as Israel continues to expand its...
The recent run-up in prices at the gas pump is in part tied to increased concerns about another war in the Middle East — this time with Iran.
Bizarrely, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Miami, denied use for trade facilitation, tourism promotion, scholarships for Palestinian students and...
With U.S. troops finally out of Iraq and our involvement in Afghanistan perhaps coming to a close, our nation begins a new chapter in its...
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