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Op Ed
A few days ago, I visited Arlington National Cemetery. As I walked for several hours among the many, many columns of our patriots, I wondered what...
For the next decade, a diversified mix of energy sources will remain strategically important.
A long and familiar list of concerns fuels Americans' discontent this election season: the economy, taxes, the deficit, health-care reform and on...
The tragic death of six Sikhs in suburban Milwaukee sheds light on the ugly ways that bigotry works.
Politicos of all stripes use code to send signals to their base and to make their agendas more palatable to both the opposition and the undecided...
Many political documents are nothing more than statements of a moment. They're outdated almost as quickly as a daily newspaper.
Letter To The Editor
We have to decide, as a country, if we have a moral obligation to provide basic medical care to all citizens.
I got curious about the protocol of when it is appropriate to fly the U.S. flag at half staff. Here is a copy of the “rules” for those who got...
It is the bounty of the American land that has made us great, not our beliefs or institutions.
If there is a god she must surely despise us...
Our United States of America cannot succeed and prosper on the negativism going on among our folks we elected to support our great nation and its...
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