Key Topic:
President Obama
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This week, that lofty rhetoric fell to earth with a thud in the form of a large, yellow, fictional bird.

The Obama campaign claims that one reason for Mitt Romney’s debate success is his stretching of the truth.

The left threw in the towel. They knew their team lost, and lost big.

Mitt Romney dismantled the Democrats' portrait of him as an elite businessman concerned only with the wealthy in the first presidential debate.

The scandal and tragedy — reinforced by Tuesday’s fatal shooting of a Border Patrol agent in Arizona — are a blot on two administrations.

The debate will most likely pivot one direction or the other over two words: clarity and confusion.

Tonight’s the first presidential debate and it’s time for voters, especially those who claim to be fence-sitters, to pay attention.

If Mr. Romney has been vague about his tax plan, Mr. Obama has been similarly vague about foreign policy initiatives for a second term.

President Obama has spent lots of tax money trying to make electric cars practical and popular. It has been, by economic measures, a failure.

I wonder how much longer conservative talk-show hosts can hold out before the November election. I’m afraid they’re close to blowing a gasket.

The Republican nominee for president knows he’s beginning to run short of time in his quest to defeat President Barack Obama.

Polls also consistently indicate most Americans believe the nation is on the wrong track.

There is nothing judicious about President Obama's unbending support of a mandate that violates the religious freedom of millions of Americans.

Obama, she said, needs to do something about girls on welfare that just sit up and have baby after baby and never try to better themselves.

The Atlantic Wire published an article on the legalization of marijuana, calling it President Obama’s possible “secret weapon" for the election.

President Obama struck the right balance Tuesday between criticizing Islamic extremism and an approach toward improving relationships with Arab world.

The shifting story on the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, is becoming a problem for the administration of President Barack Obama.

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Letter To The Editor
Mitt Romney must point out the promises that Barack Obama made and has failed to keep.
News Press of Fort Myers
Mitt Romney has inevitably and...
Bradenton Herald
Amateurish, incompetent and...
Bradenton Herald
Op Ed
A few days ago, I visited Arlington National Cemetery. As I walked for several hours among the many, many columns of our patriots, I wondered what...
Tallahassee Democrat
The federal government's exclusive authority in the enforcement of immigration laws has always existed. President
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