Key Topic:
Republican National Convention
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St. Petersburg Mayor Bill Foster hides behind a veil of For Your Eyes Only intrigue on the city's expenses for the Republican National Convention.
Tampa Bay Times
The issue of what to do with the cameras is important and deserves a thorough public airing.
Tampa Tribune
Mayor Bob is saying he wants to keep the surveillance cameras we put up around town.
Tampa Tribune
The shooting star of the Republican National Convention in Tampa was the unexpected governor of New Mexico, Susana Martinez.
Tampa Tribune
The party of President Obama has assumed the title of America’s Protector, a title once considered the exclusive domain of Republicans.
Northwest Florida Daily News
Clint Eastwood said his controversial conversation with a chair was unscripted, unrehearsed and a spur-of-the moment decision.
Biz Pac Review
George W. Bush had a profound impact on Brevard County, and it wasn’t all bad.
Florida Today
When it comes to accusations of racism and ethnocentrism, the RNC is all about CYA.
Fort Myers News-Press
I felt very sorry for Clint Eastwood, whose speech came off as odd rather than substantial. But at his age I guess you can do what you want.
Sebring News Sun
If Romney wins the presidency this fall, it could be in spite of his campaign, not because of it.
Miami Herald
It's unlikely the Democrats will upstage the likes of the Republicans in Tampa unless they can put out an empty suit for some aging movie star.
Tampa Tribune
Liberal commentators sought to embarrass the Republican Party for hosting its convention in a government-subsidized facility.
Tampa Tribune
Memo to the Democratic National Committee: Do not under any circumstance dig up a doddering old movie star to make a "surprise" appearance.
Tampa Bay Times
Republican convention speakers painted an alarming picture last week of President Barack Obama and his side’s policies.
Florida Today
Thanks to Tropical Storm Isaac it may be another 40 years, before either the Republicans or Democrats decide to come back.
Lakeland Ledger
For a week that began with a tropical storm warning and fears of 15,000 protesters, unremarkable is good.
Tampa Bay Times
The question everyone keeps asking – other than about Clint Eastwood – is how it went and how did our town hold up in the world spotlight.
Tampa Tribune
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Letter To The Editor
Op Ed
This week the great city of Tampa and the entire region welcomes the Republican National Convention. With its 50,000 delegates, visitors and media...
Tampa Bay Times
In just a few days, the eyes of the world will focus on Tampa and the Republican National Convention. As we accept the nomination of our party,...
Tampa Bay Times
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