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Letter To The Editor
More than 1 in 3 adults have some form of cardiovascular disease – the No. 1 killer of American men and women. The good news is 80 percent of...
A number of philanthropists like Gov. Romney give millions to charity, and many others give just a few dollars to help the less fortunate in our...
A visit to our church men’s group by Judge David Dugan in 2008 was pivotal for me. He expressed concern about kids in poor neighborhoods getting...
Only food can be bought — not toilet tissue, soap, alcohol or cigarettes – on a food assistance card. The government uses one card for both. To...
For families struggling economically, the WIC program (Women, Infants and Children) is available for purchasing staple food products. There is no...
Op Ed
Our patients face multiple roadblocks to getting tested for HIV. Showing up at the hospital or doctor’s office should not be another one.
...The FALA does not agree that additional layers of regulation and government oversight of these private enterprises are warranted.
Singling out capable social service providers simply because they are faith-based is fiscally unsound and, without a doubt, discrimination.
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