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Op Ed
In light of the attention given to an incident that occurred at a recent high school football game, we thought this would be a great opportunity...
The Rattler family needed this game and all of the positives that came with it.
The grind of preseason practice is over and regular-season games are beginning for thousands of high-school athletes across Florida.
Florida swimmer Ryan Lochte became the first American to win a gold medal in these games.
Lochte went head-to-head with swimming phenomena...
Letter To The Editor
The grind of pre-season practice is over and regular season games are beginning for thousands of high school athletes across Florida. Those of us...
Between the ages of 10 and 15, I had accomplished everything there was to accomplish in the sport of amateur archery except one thing. Archery was...
The point is that given the massive opportunity for swimmers to acquire them, accumulation of medals certainly does not make medal accumulation a...
I hope politicians are among the people who are giving the Olympics some of the highest ratings ever. It would be good for them to see what can...
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