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Letter To The Editor
I approached the 20 or so soldiers in my path on my way to the commanding general's office at the U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence at...
We train their police, we...
The state of Florida is cutting services to the disabled again, because of their failure to run the Agency for Persons with Disabilities...
Mike Morris qualifies for having his name inscribed on the Honor Roll at the Courthouse plaza in Brooksville, but I did not have the heart to say...
Torture is never acceptable. The presidential campaign is dominating the headlines, but Americans should know that the Senate Select Committee on...
Op Ed
I chose to fight for my country because I felt a sense of duty to protect the freedoms and liberties that make our nation great.
The first Allied offensive in World War II was in the Solomon Islands at Guadalcanal and nearby islands Tulagii, Florida and Gavutu on Aug. 7,...
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