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Letter To The Editor
After watching the Cairo embassy fiasco – reading about the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans killed – kind of brings back...
I can’t understand why any American would sit idly by why someone else discusses chipping away at their rights afforded to them by The United...
Of all the disingenuous, reprehensible, actions taken by flawed and failed President Barack Obama, none is more intolerable than his obvious...
Op Ed
For the next decade, a diversified mix of energy sources will remain strategically important.
This week, trade negotiators from around the world have gathered just outside Washington, D.C., to discuss a trade agreement that could...
Climate scientists are in nearly unanimous agreement that increasing greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels are causing global warming...
The chances for most of us to meet a North Korean in our lifetimes are pretty slim. But this experience gave me an opportunity to build bridges...
It is customary and justified, from time to time, for people and institutions, organizations and groups, to do some soul-searching and reexamine...
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