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Letter To The Editor
Some frightening things have happened to the U.S. economy. The public debt has increased $5.2 trillion in the past 3½ years, an increase of...
Solutions to the hot-button economic issues of this campaign season – from saving Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security, reducing the national...
Recently, we were fortunate enough to have a District 2 Congressional field hearing in Panama City. I proudly accepted the invitation from...
That’s when we started struggling. We had purchased a second home as an investment, but when the renters could no longer pay, we had to let it go...
Op Ed
BOTH recent administrations ran up the national debt and BOTH favored massive bank and industrial bailouts to the auto industry.
A long and familiar list of concerns fuels Americans' discontent this election season: the economy, taxes, the deficit, health-care reform and on...
Under President Obama, more than 400,000 women have lost their jobs nationwide, and our unemployment rate has increased to 8.1 percent.